Vitalising Communities

Engaging Volunteers for Social Impact

Encourage culture of giving back to society through intellectual, organizing and skill-based activities

Engage volunteers to contribute in cash or kind meaningfully


Having led large transformation initiatives, several across the globe, the BKF leadership strongly believes that bringing about constructive and positive change on a large scale, within communities, can never be visualised and executed by a small team. These initiatives must be supported by the 'Power of Volunteering Members' from within and without organisations to propel adequate momentum for community development.

BKF’s mission is to bring such conscious people, with shared ethos & commitment, to work together in communities, helping unleash human potential, towards a better world for all.

BKF plans to collaborate with like-minded volunteers and relies on their help to accomplish our commitment to vitalising communities across India. We are banking upon creating momentum for community development through a trustworthy network of Dedicated Volunteers, Development Partners and Network of NGOs. BKF is keen to build a cultural foundation of ‘Individual Social Responsibility’ (ISR) within communities and organisations, to enable a superstructure of Corporate Social Responsibility. BKF will nurture and encourage the culture of giving back to society through intellectual and skill-based activities in its chosen areas of Education, Healthcare & Environment.

We welcome all individuals who aim to do their bit, to co-create development for all. Volunteers can be young students, teachers, working professionals, retired professionals and homemakers with the requisite skills to help us through personal involvement, online communication and support.

We are keen to nurture Conscious Citizens driven by a set of principles to pioneer a community of Super Givers and lead, engage, support and achieve the Vision & Mission of BKF.

We call them as BlueKare Ambassadors! BlueKare Ambassadors are the ones who:

  1. Are Deeply Self-Aware and CONSCIOUS citizen

  2. Wish to GIVE BACK to our Communities

  3. Want to connect with a bigger CAUSE

  4. Eager to be a part of REAL CHANGE

  5. Have the joy of sharing GOODNESS with others

Interested FRCians, Amex Colleagues & Friends may please write to

A Bluekare Ambassador is a motivated conscious citizen who will be delighted to do the following:

  • Connect with their Friends, Associates & Communities

  • Champion to Volunteer Time, Skills, Knowledge or Funds to lead / support Initiatives

  • Refer BKF to Corporates for their CSR Programs Initiatives

  • Provide Corporate Sponsorship / Contributions to Realize BKF Mission

  • Link Conscious NGOs as Partners to BKF

No matter what the skill (administrative, technological, educational, creative, training), you could become a vital part of our Educational, Healthcare and Environment Programmes. Join us for any initiative that interests you and vitalise / transform lives of the community. You will be awarded a certificate for your service. People keen to participate, but who find it difficult to spare time due to personal or professional commitments, can still be engaged volunteers; they are welcome to meaningfully contribute in cash or kind for specific projects or general purposes of BKF.

We have contributions on annual or monthly basis for specific causes like Teacher’s Training scholarships, One or more Computers to be given to Teachers/ School Labs, Training Cost per Teacher, Healthcare Insurance for School Community, Planting of Trees etc.

Please fill in the appropriate form for Volunteer Registration and/or Volunteer Contribution and submit to